12 Funniest Demotivational Pictures Ever
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 9:37 am
Tony Williams
A picture speaks a thousand words. It can make people feel happy, sad, shocking, and even scared based on what's there in the image. Photos tell us stories. They preserve the memories. Have you tried seeing your old photos recently? Do that. You will feel better. Some of them may even inspire you. Look out; you may find some demotivating pictures too! We keep seeing cute and inspirational pictures online, so why not take a look at the negative side? Check 12 funny demotivational pictures that kill can anyone’s fervor right away!
#5 Chasing Tail
They say a leopard never changes its spots. You just have to lift its tail and there is a spot under there. This former president sure would like to lift her tail by the looks of it.

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