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12 Funniest Detention Slips Ever

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 11:57 am

We all got in some sort of trouble when we were kids, and most of us have faced the wrath of the school management in one or the other way for all our misdoings. However, A lot of us might not have done something so terrible that it would fetch us a detention. A detention slip scares most students, but the following 12 oddballs didn't seem to have a problem with it! Read what these kids had done to receive a detention from their class teacher. Mind you, the wrong actions of these students are sinfully hilarious!

#12 May Be She Was Enthusiastic?

Well the first thing you will notice is the name, but it is not the actress, so do not get too excited. Instead, you get the feeling that the teacher was a bit too sensitive because maybe she is just very enthusiastic and wanted to get involved? Ok that is just a slim chance because in all honesty she probably just loves to hear her voice.

May Be She Was Enthusiastic?-12 Funniest Detention Slips Ever


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