12 Funniest High School Names
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 9:09 am
Tony Williams
What was the name of the high school you attended? Do you think it sounds weird? If not, you are fortunate! You must thank your parents for not sending you to one of these 12 schools that have really inappropriate and funny names! Some of the school names may perhaps make you cringe hard! We know most of these schools were named after their city, county, state or even an individual. We are aware of the fact that the founders or administrators of the following schools didn't deliberately choose an awkward name. That being said, we still find these school names hilarious, and we are sure you are going to find them funny as well!
#12 Butts Road Primary School
The school clearly has an embarrassing name. BUTTS ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL! Frankly speaking, it doesn't even sound like that of a school's name! If I were the student of the school, I would feel very embarrassed to tell my high school name to my college or university friends. They are definitely going to make the school name a butt of all the jokes! The school is located in Virginia, and you may have seen it before if you are from Chesapeake City.

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