15 Hilarious Comebacks To Unwanted Dick Pics
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 7:07 am
By:James Fraser
Waking up to see d*ck pictures of random guys in your Tinder inbox or the other chat application is certainly a terrible way to start the day. Unfortunately, too many men think it's cool to send the pictures of their junk to their potential suitors or even unknown girls, but let's remind you guys that no woman craves to see your junk unless you are her sexual interest. We guess many of the ladies reading this topic may have been dealing with it, so what we are going to do now is show them 15 hilarious comebacks to unwanted d*ck pictures to help them fight the barbarism efficiently!
1.Ending A Man's Pride
Would he dare to send a dick pic to any girl again? No, not again! This is undoubtedly the best reaction ever to a random unsolicited picture.

2.That Escalated Quickly!
Sending inappropriate pictures to random or unknown people is a bad thing. Some men will continue to do that as long as women/men ignore them. This was a pretty strong and hard comeback.

3.Lesson Learned
The second guy did a pretty good job! Now, the first man learned what it feels like to be on a receiver's end.

4.Cucumbers in Pants
If you are wondering how come so many guys in dating sites have big stuff, you may find the answer here!

5.The Good Old Way
6.Baby Carrots!!!
Now, this was a hilarious comeback by the girl! There is no better way to insult a man other than talking about his small penis (if he has one).

7.Serious Warning
That was the last time he sends an inappropriate picture to a girl! Nonetheless, that was a really, really, serious warning.

8.This Hilarious Burn
Guess his response? There are three kinds of men. The first type would simply ignore the girl. Second would put a fake smile and try to cover up things. Third, and the horrible kind of three would simply abuse the girl!

9.This Dick Song
Yes, the same c*ck bashing. But this time as a song! Sending indecent pictures is not the right way to impress a girl.

10.Fleshy Little Flute
Her reaction says it all! Too many men think sending inappropriate pictures would help them get laid.

11.Returning the Favor the Right Way
He sent an unsolicited dick pic. She returned his favor with a similar picture she found on the internet!

12.This Reaction Sums up
This is exactly how most people (both men and women) feel upon seeing a random nude picture from an unknown guy.

13.They are Watching
It was just a joke, but do you know that sending unwanted pictures to women (or men) can be treated as cyber-harassment? Senders may even go to jail!

14.Sending Pic to a Wrong Person
That was a hilarious reaction. Sending an unwanted d*ck pic is itself a wrong thing. What about sending it to a wrong number?

15.That Was One Pretty Strong Warning
Perfect comeback!!! The girl just owned the dude. Trevor had no chance except to say sorry and back off.
So all the gals out there, Don't take anyone's shit. If you don't like receiving dick pics, tell them straight away and if they continue to do so, send them these awesome replies. And all you guys out there, stop sending dick pics, They don't work unless the girl you are trying to impress is really into all this. Don't send your dick pic to a girl you just met. She will not appreciate it. Go on a date or two and ask her is she is into such stuff and then carry on otherwise your dick pics will be roaming all over the internet.
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