15 Hilarious Comebacks To Unwanted Dick Pics
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 7:07 am
By:James Fraser
Waking up to see d*ck pictures of random guys in your Tinder inbox or the other chat application is certainly a terrible way to start the day. Unfortunately, too many men think it's cool to send the pictures of their junk to their potential suitors or even unknown girls, but let's remind you guys that no woman craves to see your junk unless you are her sexual interest. We guess many of the ladies reading this topic may have been dealing with it, so what we are going to do now is show them 15 hilarious comebacks to unwanted d*ck pictures to help them fight the barbarism efficiently!
4.Cucumbers in Pants
If you are wondering how come so many guys in dating sites have big stuff, you may find the answer here!

5.The Good Old Way
The banana slicer picture will take care if you know how and when to use it!

6.Baby Carrots!!!
Now, this was a hilarious comeback by the girl! There is no better way to insult a man other than talking about his small penis (if he has one).

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