15 Hilarious Texts From Dads
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 1:47 pm
By:James Fraser
Dads are really, really, cool, Aren't they? We all love our dads. If someone ever dislike their dad, it is because they are cooler than them and often dominate them with sarcasm, quick wit and a great sense of humor. Here are fifteen texts from smart, intelligent, dumb and all kinds of dads that make you laugh.
13.I Want a Coffee First
Never use words like 'sup' while texting your parents unless they are knowledgeable enough to understand them. There are people who think 'gf' stands for genital follicles! As you can see from the image, that dad thinks 'sup' stands for soup. Apparently, this dad thought his son was suggesting him some soup.
14.Text Sent to Wrong Person
This could have gone horribly wrong had he sent that message to his daughter instead. This dad was a little lucky to have a calm and understanding son, who doesn't really react wildly to an awkward message. This picture is another proof why dads need to polish their texting skills.
15.Another Dad Who Texted to Wrong Person at Wrong Time
This text too could have gone horribly wrong if this dad sent that message to someone else other than his daughter. Thanks to his daughter, who is always ready to take advantage of situations, for saving him. That was indeed a great deal for that girl who managed to get many things including a tablet with pink keyboard!
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