15 Funniest Tip Jars You'll Ever See
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 8:13 am
By:James Fraser
Tipping is something that's uncommon in many countries around the world. In fact, in countries like Japan, if you tip a waiter or bartender, they get offended! However, in the United States, tipping is mandatory. We will mainly be talking about tip jars now, so let's come back to the actual topic. Tip jars; we see a lot of them in the United States. Don't we? Many local stores and businesses keep a tip jar hoping to get a few extra bucks from customers as a gratuity. While the tips may not even cover a little part of the overhead costs, they certainly help business owners to some extent. Well, who doesn't like receiving a few extra bucks without putting any extra effort?
Most tip jars don't grab our attention. They are plain glass jars with a note 'Tips' written on them. However, some tip jars catch our attention right away with humorous or interesting catchphrases. Have you ever seen an unusual tip jar before? No? Fine, we will show them to you now! Tip jars like these are cool and funny. They don't just make you smile, but also compel you to tip, no matter what! Here are fifteen such most unusual tip jars exclusively for you to make your day!
4.Some True Words of Wisdom There
Money may be the root of all evil, but we all love to keep it with us no matter what! However, those who want to get rid of the evil can go ahead tipping some cash there in that jar! After seeing the bills in the jar, we have to say that the idea was working!
5.Hitting Right on Religious Sentiments
Tip jars like these will irk some. Nevertheless, this is another brilliant idea that fills tip jars fast. If you don't tip, you make Jesus sad! We think Jesus will be sad about people like these who use his name for their benefits! Will you tip if you ever come across tip jars like these?
6.Make Money From Participating in Surveys
The heading sure sounds like one those spammy emails you get everyday asking you to participate in surveys for quick cash! Well, we aren't talking about those surveys! Here, someone actually mixed tipping and surveying together nicely! While the fans of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings compete against themselves to show their dominance, the owner quietly smiles seeing his idea work!
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