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12 Funny Batman Memes That Will Make You Lol

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:19 am

Bruce Wayne, Batman, The Dark Night, The Caped Crusader, call him by whatever name you want to call, and he will be there in no time to deliver JUSTICE! Batman is nowhere near other DC superheroes when it comes to having magical powers, and yet, he is one of the most famous superheroes the comic world has ever seen. Batman's immense popularity has spawned unnumbered fanfiction stories, jokes, and puns over the years. Thanks to the meteoric rise of the meme culture in last decade or so, we now have loads of Batman memes as well! Have a look at these 12 hilarious Batman Memes that show the lighter side of the Dark Knight! 
4.Tell Me, Do You Bleed?

Most memes and jokes about Batman discuss his tragic death of parents. As said earlier, Batman is a smart, handsome, and rich guy with incredibly cool gadgets and powerful weapons! He scares the life out of his enemies with his sheer looks, and he's just that kind of guy who always appears as if no problem can shake him up! However, one thing in Batman's life that he can't forget is the brutal murder of his parents, Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, right in front of his eyes.

Tell Me, Do You Bleed?-12 Funny Batman Memes That Will Make You Lol

5.Batman Never Kills!

What if Batman killed Joker and other evil in Gotham City? The city would be much safer, and Batman didn't have to lose many people whom he loved. Batman is against homicide from the very beginning of his life. He is all about justice, not vengeance. He believes that killing people, even though they are criminals, just makes him yet another criminal. Batman absolutely hates crime, and that is the reason why he doesn't prefer killing even those who trouble him.  

Batman Never Kills!-12 Funny Batman Memes That Will Make You Lol

6.That's My Golf Car!

That Batman-themed golf cart looks very cool, isn't it? Batman surely loves to have one like that in his fleet of automobiles. It neither looks as cool as the Batmobile nor can unleash lethal weapons, but looks good enough and should work fine when Batman wants to take a casual ride through the streets of Gotham City! The black golf cart seems to be the result of a Batman fan's hard work, so let's appreciate their effort! 

That's My Golf Car!-12 Funny Batman Memes That Will Make You Lol

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