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12 Funny Game Of Thrones Memes That Are On Point

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 11:09 am

"Game of Thrones" is one of the most watched TV series in the United States and around the world. Six seasons have passed, but the craze for the show hasn't come down. In fact, "GoT" has been expanding its fan base at a rapid pace ever since it was first aired on HBO in 2011. When it comes to memes, "GoT" has a fair share of them with the likes of "Brace Yourself," "One Doesn't Simply," etc. What we are discussing right now though is the memes about the show itself. Check 12 hilarious "GoT" memes that are sure to crack you up! 
1.Oh Sam, No!

Yes, it's a fan-made meme, and it talks about the torture of Theon Greyjoy in the hands of Bolton Ramsey. Ramsey did cut off Theon's manhood, but HBO spared "GoT" spared viewers from watching it on the screen. As per the George R. R. Martin's book, "A Song of Ice and Fire," Ramsey chops off Theon's penis, leaving testicles to hang in there. As testicles produce testosterone and boost sex drive in males, Theon has to deal with constant sexual urge like a typical man, but can't engage in sex for the obvious reason.

Oh Sam, No!-12 Funny Game Of Thrones Memes That Are On Point

2.Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister is one of the most famous "Game of Thrones" characters people love to hate! She does give you an impression that she is not only one of the evilest women in Westeros but also a terrible parent. Above all, as this meme depicts, Cersei is infamous for her incestuous relationship with her brother Jaime Lannister. The inappropriate relationship that began during their early childhood has continued even after her marriage with Robert Baratheon and birth of three children.

Cersei Lannister-12 Funny Game Of Thrones Memes That Are On Point

3.Who's The Best Killer?

One thing "Game of Thrones" has taught its fans over the years is that one shouldn't be connected to a fictional character too emotionally! As "Game of Thrones" is set in an ancient fictional world, it is understandable that a lot the show's characters are destined to die. The deaths of Stark family members, Jon Snow, Prince Oberyn, etc. are some of the notable examples. Now guess who's the best killer?! If your answer is not George R.R. Martin, you are wrong!

Who's The Best Killer?-12 Funny Game Of Thrones Memes That Are On Point

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