15 Knock Knock Jokes That Will Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 11:22 am
By:James Fraser
Knock-knock jokes are funny. They are popular in almost all English-speaking countries. You always require that fraction of a second to think and find out what exactly the pun is. That's why they are so good to read. No one apparently knows the origin of Knock-knock jokes. The jokes may well date back to the William Shakespeare era. In most cases, the jokes involve a pun or play on words. Read fifteen funny knock-knock jokes that will make you laugh out loud.
4.Hawaii Who?
Knock Knock…
Who's there?
Hawaii who?
I'm fine. Hawaii you?

5.Aaron Who?
Knock Knock…
Who's there?
Aaron who?
Why Aaron you opening the door?

6.A Little Old Lady Who?
Knock Knock…
Who's there?
A little old lady.
A little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!

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