12 Funny Maps You Won't See In School
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 2:55 pm
Tony Williams
The last time many of us saw a map or atlas is when we were in school. We used maps to learn where different continents, countries, oceans, deserts, etc. located in the world. Those maps hardly taught us anything new except the Earth's geographical or demo graphical information. What you are about to see now on the topic are 12 funny and illustrative world maps that tell us more about the world's reality! How Americans see different countries in the world? What does the rest of the world think about United States? Keep reading the topic to know answers via maps to more such intriguing questions!
#6 United States Of Awesome
When you break down the United States of America, you can see that each state views itself differently. It looks like California is the safest for workers while Arizona is the sunniest and Orgeon has the most breast fed babies. Depending on where you live, you have the highest life expectancy rate.

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