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12 Funny Rape Sloth Memes That Will Make You Lol

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 4:30 pm

Rape sloth memes or just sloth memes convey sexual innuendos, puns, inappropriate but funny pickup lines, or rape threats. If you are one of those people who enjoy reading adult jokes, then these rape sloth memes are exclusively for you. Sloths are very friendly animals, and they don't usually harm humans. Interestingly, the internet labeled sloths as evil rapists! All of this began in 2009 when people began using a picture of sloth that appears to be whispering in a girl's ears to make inappropriate but funny jokes. Here are 12 such funny sloth memes! 
10.This Bitch Has No Idea!

This picture must be taken at one of those sloth sanctuaries we have talked about just now. There are thousands of wildlife sanctuaries around the world that claim they rescue sick animals, nurture them back to health, and release them in the wild. Sadly, most of those sanctuaries are run by money greedy people. If you ever visit a sanctuary where you can cuddle with animals, see them doing tricks or breeding, you should walk right out of it because that's more like a zoo or circus. 

This Bitch Has No Idea!-12 Funny Rape Sloth Memes That Will Make You Lol

11.Real Men Don't Rape!

Real sloths don't rape too! It's funny how these animals labeled as mascots of rape! In the animal kingdom, male ducks are the real rapists! Male duck gangs often chase a female duck and gang rape it one by one while the other members hold the female down to the ground! Guess what the meme community uses duck to refer to? WISDOM! Do you know the Actual Advice Mallard meme?! Poor sloths, we have to feel sorry for them! 

Real Men Don't Rape!-12 Funny Rape Sloth Memes That Will Make You Lol

12.Go Ahead Call The Cops!

"Go ahead and call the cops, they can't unrape you!" 
Here comes the last sloth meme of the topic. Apparently, the sloth says it already raped someone! Hey, did you know sloths are now endangered species? Even though predators are the biggest threat to the survival of sloths, their number has come down gradually in the recent decades due to deforestation. Unlike other animals, sloths are direct dependants of trees as they live, sleep, and even mate in trees.

Go Ahead Call The Cops!-12 Funny Rape Sloth Memes That Will Make You Lol

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