12 Funny Redneck Memes That Will Make You Lol
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 12:56 pm
By:James Fraser
"Redneck" is a derogatory term used in the United States to refer to the poor white Americans who live in the rural areas of southern states like Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, etc. Rednecks love guns, trucks, chicks, and beer! On the contrary, they hate gays, transgender people, non-White foreigners, and even those liberal Caucasians! In fact, redneck people hate anyone who isn't a redneck! Most people hate rednecks for various reasons ranging from racism, incest to illiteracy. Here are 12 redneck memes that sum up the southern lifestyle!
10.Meanwhile At A Daycare In Alabama
A bigass pickup truck, finally! Rednecks love their trucks. Most of them lift truck's body or suspension to make it look even bigger, just as the one you see in the picture here. And yes, the baby seems to having a good time out there! That is how redneck parents raise their kids! Guess what? Those kids just grow up to carry their redneck legacy forward. Nonetheless, that's a funny meme!

11.Redneck Ingenuity
That's a weird life hack, but no one's going to use that anyway! Rednecks are often mocked by other classes of the society mostly because of their inability to think broadly and adjust to the modern day living standards. Now, that doesn't make the whole of redneck community bad. There are some good ones, and then there are always those bad folks. Most people in the US and around the world straightaway assume a Southerner to be a racist, homophobic, misogynist, etc. but not all of them are same though.

12.Someone Shot Their First Turkey!
"I shot my first turkey today. It sure scared the hell out of everyone in the frozen food section!"
That's a funny meme, but anyone who knows rednecks closely does agree that most of them are good shooters and they don't need to step into a supermarket's frozen food section to shoot turkeys! As you know, guns are an essential part of redneck culture, and many of them invest a lot of money on those badass killing machines.

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