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12 Hilarious Bear Puns That Will Make You Cry

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 12:16 pm

Bear readers, oops… dear readers, the bear puns you are about to read are funny, and you are going to love them as much as Germans love their beer! Bears are a lot like humans! Do you know why? They are hairy, lazy, and they eat meat and veggies just like us. Furthermore, polar bears, black bears, grizzlies, and pandas are like white people, black people, brown people, and Asians of the forest! Wait, we almost forgot that we need to talk about bear puns, not bears! Thanks for bearing our boring bear lecture, and here are the 12 funny bear puns you are waiting to read! 
10.Bear Grylls Vs. Bear Grills

How many bears could Bear Grylls grill if he could grill bears? Read it slowly; you will get it. That bear in the picture needs to be extra cautious while cooking or eating Bear Grylls because this guy drinks his own piss! His body is a lot toxic than ours! Just kidding - it feels incomplete if we don't mention piss whenever we talk about this guy. Jokes aside, it's really fun to see Bear Grylls on TV!

Bear Grylls Vs. Bear Grills-12 Hilarious Bear Puns That Will Make You Cry

11.Bearly Dressed

"I will be out in a moment; I'm barely dressed!" 
This meme is funny but sounds a bit repetitive. Let's not talk more about an already boring meme! Since we are talking about bears, let us talk a bit about them. What do you call a group of bears? Terror? No, no! A group of bears is called a sloth. Yes, a sloth! Interestingly, there exists a type of bear that's called a sloth bear. Talking about bear diet, polar bears are almost always carnivorous, and their distant Asian cousins, Pandas, are herbivorous. 

Bearly Dressed-12 Hilarious Bear Puns That Will Make You Cry

12.Bipolar Bears

"Bipolar Bears - On some days they just want to be left alone." 
This meme is referring to bipolar disease, an uncommon psychological condition that makes a person experience severe mood swings. One day they act as if they are the happiest people on earth, and the following day they may experience severe spells of anxiety and depression. Polar bears don't suffer from the bipolar disease, though! In fact, no animal suffers from it. If you could bear with our these puns then make sure to read our animal puns as well.

Bipolar Bears-12 Hilarious Bear Puns That Will Make You Cry

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