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12 Hilarious Clothing Tags You'll Ever See

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 8:05 am

The laundry instruction tags that we find on our clothes are pretty straightforward in most cases. They tell us how to and how not to wash the garments. Many of us, especially the men, pay no heed to such clothing tags. It is probably a good idea to check those labels. We are telling you this not because the tags have important laundry instructions printed on them, but because they may surprise you with some hilarious messages. Whether they are the result of clothing manufacturers' sense of humor or got lost in translation, the following 12 clothing tag instructions are hilarious to read!

#7 Well That Is Useful

Well there is some useful advice for you on this tag, but then surely it is merely stating the obvious? You would need to be really stupid to think that dragging it behind the car would make a difference and how confused would you end up being when you see that it only made things worse?

Well That Is Useful-12 Hilarious Clothing Tags You'll Ever See



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