15 Hilarious Images Of A Couple's Pun Texting
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 7:04 am
By:James Fraser
A relationship is a like a balloon. No one knows when it's going to burst. Even if it remains intact, it gets smaller as time flies. Unless couples try to do something about it, a relationship becomes stale over a period, which further leads to a breakup or divorce. Why is it only a few people are happy with their partners? Meet this couple to find the answer. They turned their romantic texting moments into an exciting battle of wordplay. Their pun-texting marathon is a real treat to read and reread! While browsing the pictures, at some point, you would strongly feel obliged to join their pun-game as a third player! Have fun reading the funny pun texts, but don't forget to take a note of the "relationship goals" the couple had set.
1.This is How It All Started
Here is the beginning of this epic pun texting.

2.Nailed it
The 'pun game' officially kicked off.

3.Brail'ed it
The couple started challenging each other.

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