12 Hilarious Crying Memes That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:04 pm
By:James Fraser
Crying black guy or crying Michael Jordan memes depict everyday sad situations using a picture of former NBA player Michael Jordan, in which he is seen crying. Irrespective of their intensity, every one of us has gone through some distressful moments in our life. If you were to describe one such event with a meme, there would be no better way than using the Crying Michael Jordan meme to do it. Remember, these memes aren't about complete sadness! They are a mix of misery and humor. Check these 12 hilarious crying memes that are sure to crack you up!
1.Waited For Too Long!
"When you waited too long to masturbate, and your family is now back home!"
Well, whoever made this meme sounds like a 15-year-old kid! With that being said, it's still unclear why they have to wait for their parents to leave home to masturbate. That person may not have a mobile phone to watch porn and have some good time alone in the bathroom. Whatever the reason is, this meme reminds the good old teenage days of many of us who are reading this topic! In defense of the 80s and 90s kids, yes, there existed no smartphones or media devices back then to sneak into bathrooms!

2.Those Resume Lies!
"When you lied on the resume about being proficient in Excel!"
Rule no. 1: Never lie about your skills on your resume! Rule no. 2: Even if there's no other way but to lie, never lie about Excel skills! MS Excel, as you know, is a critical skill for most administrative roles. It isn't like MS Word or PowerPoint, and Excel requires you to have minimum math skills to get close to learning it. If you aren't particularly poor at math, you can learn Excel within a week or two by looking at some tutorials on YouTube.

3.When It's April 2nd And She' Still Pregnant
That's a terrible situation, and man, we must feel pity for all those (both guys and girls) who get stuck in this pregnancy mess. The ideal way to deal an unwanted pregnancy is involving parents (in the case of minors), and thinking about marriage or raising the kid together. Abortion is an option, but then, the socio, economic, and legal complications vary from state to state. Sadly, thousands of young girls hurt themselves or damage their health badly by trying those self-induced abortions at home.

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