12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 8:33 am
Facebook has become a kind of virtual world. Sadly, many people have stopped living in reality! Be it happiness, misery, emotions, or even idiocy, people just express it on Facebook in the form of a status message or a comment. We all love checking updates from our friends on Facebook, but we also need to admit that sometimes the dumb, stupid, embarrassing, and pointless posts by some of our friends just turn us off. Take a look at 12 such awkward and embarrassing Facebook posts that will surely crack you up!
4.Face palm
You do wonder how some people are allowed to go out in public on their own when they are as silly as this. You just hope that they are actually making a joke here because surely they cannot be naturally as stupid as this? Would that be possible?

You can really feel her embarrassment here with this status because she was rightfully excited at the start, but things then went bad quite quickly until you get to the point you feel sorry for her. Good job it has been hidden away so nobody else can see it though?

This entire thing is just embarrassing because surely one of them would have thought it was a good idea to go private with this rather than putting it out in the open? You can just picture what the two of them are actually like as people when you read what is going on just in this small conversation.

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