12 Most Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Facebook Posts You'll Ever Read
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 8:33 am
Facebook has become a kind of virtual world. Sadly, many people have stopped living in reality! Be it happiness, misery, emotions, or even idiocy, people just express it on Facebook in the form of a status message or a comment. We all love checking updates from our friends on Facebook, but we also need to admit that sometimes the dumb, stupid, embarrassing, and pointless posts by some of our friends just turn us off. Take a look at 12 such awkward and embarrassing Facebook posts that will surely crack you up!
This is one of those statuses where you just sit open mouthed and cannot believe what you have just read. The mere fact that they believe that Farmville is going to solve this problem is certainly something that you just cannot comprehend, but to then believe that their brother is being serious just takes this fail up another level.

This is the perfect example of what not to post on Facebook for everybody else to see especially your boss. At least she did get what she deserved by getting herself sacked, but imagine the shock she would have been in when she realized what she had done.

12.Too much info
Do you ever get the feeling that she meant to do this as a private message, but got all confused? Of course it is embarrassing, but it is also very funny indeed especially the part about her love cave between her legs.

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