12 Hilarious Letters Ever Written To Santa Claus
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:15 am
Millions of kids around the world write letters to Santa asking for toys, dolls, Xboxes, and what not! While most children write the letters in a very polite tone, some tiny tots take the funny, rude, or embarrassing route to write to Santa. Gone are the days where you have to be very polite to Santa Claus and even your family to get best Christmas presents. The kids of this generation are growing up very faster. They are very demanding. Read these 12 funny letters to Santa. You will understand how dull and boring your childhood was!
1.Straight To The Point Santa Letter
Some kids write longwinded letters to Santa just to be polite. Most of them don't care how Santa or his reindeer are doing. This kid cuts to the chase and just lists what he wants for Christmas and nothing else. They didn't even sign their name. Thank goodness Santa is really his parents or he'd end up with nothing on December 25.

2.Getting Presents through your Kids
This letter was obviously not written by Max. Someone is using this poor kid to get a camera. The handwriting shows that the person who wrote this letter is at least a teenager. The guilty party did decide to let Max be a part of the letter, by allowing him to scribble his name at the bottom.
3.Are You Fat Santa?
This kid is as pushy as an army colonel. He judges Santa's weight and then tells him to write back. He doesn't know if Santa is real, so he writes him a letter asking him to prove his existence. This kid doesn't realize that the proof he's asking for can be purchased at a local drugstore.

4.A Letter Asking For An Elf
This is one odd letter to Santa. This little girl doesn't ask for toys or clothes like a normal kid. She instead asks for five feet long hair, much like Rapunzel. She then requests that Santa send her a real live elf. Not a toy elf, but one that works at the North Pole. Santa should send her a pet instead.
5.Gifts in Exchange for Santa
Not only does this little girl threaten Santa, but she provided 'proof' that she is holding Rudolph captive until she gets her Christmas wishes. The 'proof' is Rudolph's supposed red nose swimming in a pool of blood. The nose, however, looks like a strawberry swimming in sauce. This little girl's parents need to get her to a therapist stat!
6.Gimme Lady Gaga Santa!
Santa must have missed the memo telling people not to mess with die-hard Lady Gaga fans. Tommy refuses to give up on his dream. He's been asking for a Gag doll for two years, but he keeps getting baseball items instead. Tommy is now fed-up and isn't afraid to harm Santa if he doesn't get his doll.

7.Present Mix Up
Santa might be magical, but he isn't a miracle worker. This young lady writes that she wants a fat bank account and a skinny body since she got the opposite last year. Maybe if Lucy put down the fork and back away from the table, she'd have that slim body.
8.Threatening Santa Claus
Judging by the items she asked for and the advanced handwriting, this girl is way too old to even be writing a letter to Santa Claus. She makes it clear from the very start that if she doesn't get at least two items on her list, that she is going to kill Santa. Looks like Santa needs to be riding around with security as opposed to elves.
9.Bring Batteries
At one time or another, a kid has received a Christmas gift that needed batteries. Some toys come with batteries and others are not included. This kid is tired of having to fend for himself when it comes to getting batteries for his toys. If Santa has any sense of humor, he'd give little DK a bag of batteries for Christmas.

10.Little Johnny's Letter To Santa
Well, Little Johnny is not too enthused by the gifts he received from Santa Claus. Instead of waiting until the next year to ask Mr. Santa about the gifts he received, Johnny decided to write him a letter on December 26. Little Johnny apparently seems to be very frustrated and irritated. Instead of being grateful for whatever he got, Johnny goes on a rampage, threatening Santa that he better not come down his chimney next year. It seems someone badly needs to sign up for an anger management class!

11.Santa Letter on Someone Else's Behalf
Mitch thinks he has everyone fooled by writing a letter to Santa and pretending it's not him. He goes on and on in the letter about what Mitch (who is supposed to be his brother) wants, he signs the letter with the name Mitch and then writes a P.S. saying it's not him. Either Mitch has split personalities or he just likes saying negative things about himself.
12.Hannah Montana Overload
It's time for Ashley to back away from the Hannah Montana paraphernalia. Everything on her list is geared towards to television character. It'll be a sad morning in her household if she got That's So Raven items instead. This little girl probably sleeps with a Hannah Montana doll nestled underneath her.
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