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15 Hilarious Walmart Pictures That Will Make You Say WTF!!

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 11:15 am

If you want to see hippies, weird people, wacky dresses, bizarre things, Walmart is one right place to check in! The Walmart stores in the United States have a bad reputation all over the world for letting in some weird people. In fact, Walmart customers are a popular American stereotype. If you ever visit a Walmart, particularly among the ones that are situated in the North, you are more likely to understand that the Walmart stereotype is actually true. Here are fifteen hilarious Walmart pictures that make you laugh hard! 

#13 Martin Poppins

Martin Poppins here has clearly decided to get all dressed up for his weekly shop at Walmart. It really is a strange look, but perhaps the strangest thing is that the people at the crossing have not even turned around to look at him. Surely people would be crashing cars at the sight of this as everybody would be in a state of disbelief.

Martin Poppins-15 Hilarious Walmart Pictures That Will Make You Say WTF!!


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