15 Hilarious Yearbook Quotes Ever
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:03 am
By:James Fraser
Many things make you cringe hard when you look back into your past, especially the high school days - your clothes, crushes and your obnoxious taste in music! The yearbook, in particular, is something that many of us hate to see. If you are one of those guys and girls who are addicted to taking selfies, compare your cool Instagram photos with your yearbook portrait! If you think the photo looks unattractive, what about your silly yearbook quote? We are sure it makes you cringe even harder. Read 15 such hilarious yearbook quotes now. We really hope you don't end up finding yourself on this list!
13.Welcome to Reality
She spent 113,880 hours of her life only to receive a piece of paper and a handshake. She may be right, but the piece of paper she got spending those 113,880 is highly capable of helping her make those little green papers (money) in the future. We guess she will find out herself later.

14.She is the Bomb
No one likes to write stuff like this, even if it is meant for fun. On a lighter note, this yearbook quote is one of the most hilarious quotes we have seen so far. She is the bomb.

15.True Words There
Let us present you with our last but another ‘Yearbook Quote of the Year’ finalist who nailed the yearbook thing. While this may look inappropriate to some people on some levels, this yearbook quote can’t stop many people from laughing.


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