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15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:45 pm

These fifteen images are a strong proof that why even education can't help some people. These people are plain dumb. Though most of them had basic education, none of them sound like they went to school. From pictures of people who twisted country names to those who think Ebola is a Spanish name for 'grandma', here are fifteen funny images that will make you laugh for sure. 
1.You Can't Write El Salvador's Name Any Worse Than This

She was not into solving any doors! She just got the spelling of El Salvador wrong. El Salvador is a Central American country. It is also one of the poorest countries in Central America. It was good that this girl has heard about El Salvador's poverty, and was trying to help. What's bad was she completely messed up country's name.

You Can't Write El Salvador's Name Any Worse Than This-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

2.She Thinks Alaska is a Different Country

She is not alone. Some people always get this country and state thing wrong. Schools teach about countries, states, capitals, culture, climate etc to kids. As we know, some students never pay attention in classroom. Here in the picture, you can see a lady who thought Alaska is a different country.

She Thinks Alaska is a Different Country-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

3.So Many Errors in Just One Sentence

He or she actually means 'Native Americans', but got the spelling completely wrong. Apparently, this person thinks Native Americans belong to India as they are also called American Indians. American Indians are indigenous people who were there in America before anyone else. 

So Many Errors in Just One Sentence-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

4.This Freshly Found Fact

As not all people are smart, some people confuse themselves over little things. This girl too had a doubt. As you can see from the image, she thinks someone else, who looks like Will Smith, has acted in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'. We have a small tip here. When in doubt; Google first – tweet next! 

This Freshly Found Fact-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

5.This Tweet Which is Actually Our 5rd Point

We have no idea how this girl has got this basic thing wrong. People who are trying to learn English tend to make a mistake like this. Going by her sentence, we are sure she is definitely not a foreigner trying to learn English. This isn't even one of those funny typos. So, whom to blame? Our education system may be?

This Tweet Which is Actually Our 5rd Point-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

6.Congratulations on Contracting HIV

Jokes aside, we feel sorry for this person for contracting HIV. We also feel pity for this girl's dumbness. She thinks they didn't have HIV because their test came out positive. Why would you talk about a HIV test openly on social media, and then announce it openly that you have HIV?

Congratulations on Contracting HIV-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

7.This Person Who Thinks Ebola is a Spanish Word

Ebola does sound similar to Spanish word 'abuela', which means grandmother in English. One doesn't need to be extra smart to understand or know what Ebola is. Ebola is a deadly virus, and every average human on this planet has a basic idea on it. This guy in the picture clearly doesn't know what Ebola is. 

This Person Who Thinks Ebola is a Spanish Word-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System


8.God Will Surely Bless You With a Girl Daughter

Mistakes do happen! Unfortunately, sometimes they go viral even before you realize and try to correct them. We have a small yet silly mistake here. The girl wanted her first daughter to be a girl! Let us all hope she got what she wanted.

God Will Surely Bless You With a Girl Daughter-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

9.It Sounds Same Though

There is this internet rule that requires people who post sensitive tweets or comments online to double check everything before submitting. Hygiene - high jean - hi gene; all the words sound same! However, if you are planning to tweet about hygiene and stuff, you simply can't spell words wrong.

It Sounds Same Though-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System


10.10 Kilometers... Kilometers...

This is exactly how you sound when you are not aware of metric system, but try to use it anyway. Kilogram is measure of weight in metric system. A kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. Similarly, kilometer is measure of distance. One kilometer in distance is equal to 0.6 miles. He or she should have simply used kilometers instead of kilograms.

10 Kilometers... Kilometers...-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

11.Mind Grain? Close Enough

Did you understand what she was trying to tell? Yes, she said she had a migraine (headache). She has also given some hints there, saying cuddles would be a good cure to her migraine. Some people do call migraine as mind grain. Don't believe? Google 'mind grain' and you will not be disappointed!

Mind Grain? Close Enough-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

12.Go Back to Your School Right Now

That was a giraffe! Giraffe is one of the most unique and popular animals. Even toddlers know what giraffe is. How can one simply call giraffe a zebra? This is unacceptable!!! Well, if you look closely, you can also see a warning note asking people not to feed animals. The girl there was feeding giraffe anyway.

Go Back to Your School Right Now-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

13.That is Rubik's Cube

You need to be very smart to solve Sudoku or Rubik's cube. However, to identify or differentiate between them, one doesn't need any special human skills. This person in the picture got confused Rubik's cube to Sudoku. Sudoku isn't even a toy or something. He or she truly made things complicated there.

That is Rubik's Cube-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

14.Who is His English Teacher?

This is definitely one of those images that make you lose faith in education system. This guy said he 'past' in English exam. He actually wanted to tell he 'passed' in English test as we all know. Now you wonder how in the world this person managed to do that. The least we can do here is appreciate him on his achievement! 

Who is His English Teacher?-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System

15.Even Deadly Viruses Don't Dare to Attack Dumb People

Education is a continuous process. We have many interesting and new incidents happening, new topics being discussed on any given day. Ebola was a trending topic sometime before. When the whole world is talking about something like Ebola, you don't need to put so much effort to understand what it is. All it requires is little enthusiasm to know about new things and increase knowledge.

Even Deadly Viruses Don't Dare to Attack Dumb People-15 Images That Will Make You Lose Faith In Education System


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