12 Best Meanwhile In Canada Memes Ever
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 8:10 am
Tony Williams
The first time I learned about Canada as a kid, my friend told me that it is "America's hat"! While growing up, I heard many good things about the country. I realized all of them were true when I visited Canada some time back. The internet, however, sees Canada from a different perspective! The world talks about Canada's diversity, politeness of their citizens, cheap beer, ice hockey, snowy weather, maple syrup, and so on. Look at these 12 best and funny "Meanwhile in Canada" memes that are sure to crack you up!
#7 Getting The Rays
Just because it is covered in snow does not mean that you cannot get a tan and these chicks are putting that theory to the test. Ok so they do need something to lie on, but how tough are they?
If you are one of those person who is looking for some crude and offensive memes, then check our list of 12 hilarious yet offensive memes.

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