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15 Hilarious Disney Memes That Will Make You Lol

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 4:39 pm

Do you want to see some really funny Disney memes? Alright then; keep browsing this list. Any picture can become a meme; even yours! A meme doesn't always become popular, but when it does, people circulate it all over the internet with funny captions. With Disney being very famous, a number of pictures from its movies and TV shows have already become memes. Check out fifteen funniest Disney memes that are sure to make you lol! 
4.Pooh and his honey!

Pooh and his honey pot are together for ages, well what else you can expect from a bear!

Pooh and his honey!-15 Hilarious Disney Memes That Will Make You Lol

5.Simba eats bugs!!

Well, Disney does teaches us a good point here, Your peer group does influence your eating habits.

Simba eats bugs!!-15 Hilarious Disney Memes That Will Make You Lol

6.Do you smoke?

Do you smoke? Well, you can blame it on Disney!! Pinocchio smokes like a boss.

Do you smoke?-15 Hilarious Disney Memes That Will Make You Lol

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