15 Hilarious Texts From Parents That Will Make You Cry Then Laugh
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 11:48 am
By:James Fraser
We all text our parents, what's the big deal? Most of the text conversations we have with our parents are normal. With that said, not all parents are same with their kids, We also have these super cool parents, who rock and nail the whole parenting thing when it comes to texting! Here are 15 most hilarious texts from parents.
1.This Cool Mom with Style
The picture she sent to her daughter says it all! This mom is super cool, and doesn’t give a damn about her daughter’s screams. Look how nicely she responded with an image that has sarcasm written all over it. Hard luck girl, you are shown up by your mum!

2.Momma Who's All In Love With Urban Slang
This mom is caught up with some cool urban slang! She can't stop calling her son 'bruh'. Texts from Mom are usually funny but this mom is kinda cool as well. She even calls herself a 'cool mom', and says it's absolutely fine to call her son bruh. The guy seems to be not enjoying this at all.

3.Dad Cooked Some Humor for a Meal
This quick witted dad seems to have a good humor quotient. Dominating dads like these, who don’t mind cracking a joke or two on their kids are really cool. Look, how this son’s joke backfired, and got shown up by his dad’s quick humor!

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