15 Images That Prove Life's Not Fair With Everyone
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 5:03 am
By:James Fraser
Is your life the same what you have expected it to be, a few years ago? Life is unpredictable. The whole concept of life is so complicated and fragile that anything can happen in the next second. As much as life is unpredictable, it is unfair too. Welcome to our world where we have people who can't find time to spend money and people who spend their entire life to earn their daily bread. Some of us are beautiful, and some of us aren't. Here are fifteen images that show how life isn't fair for everyone.
1.All He Has a Bike and Goat
In the first picture, you see a young man riding a fancy high-end motorcycle with a pretty hot girlfriend on the back seat. Millions of young men usually dream for this their entire life. In the second picture, you see a young man riding his bike with a goat on his back. See the difference and decide yourself is life fair to everyone?

2.Fat People Problems
Some people, irrespective of their body size, put on weight very fast. One grand Friday night is all they need to add a pound or two to their weight. On the other hand, some people remain slim even after eating a few thousand calories of food on a single day. We all know that one person who never gets fat but eats like an Elephant.

3.This Picture Sums up
She doesn't have what she probably wants to have. The man in the picture has the little extra flesh on his chest exactly what the girl wants. However, that guy hates to have it. Now, this is complicated! When you see pictures like these, you will agree that life is indeed unfair to some of us.

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