15 Minor Changes To Help You Lose Weight Easily
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:22 pm
By:James Fraser
You realize how difficult it is to lose weight only when you try losing those extra pounds. When we talk about weight loss, we usually think about two things, diet and exercise. Did you know that you can still lose some weight without actually trying so hard? All you need to do is make minor changes in your lifestyle, and you are sure to get rid of those few extra pounds of weight in a span of few months. Don't complicate things! Just follow these fifteen easy lifestyle changes and you will be surprised to see how well they actually work.
1.Increase Your Sleep Time
The first and foremost step to losing weight is sleeping. Sleep for at least 7 hours in a day. This is probably the easiest lifestyle change that impacts your weight loss in a great way. The reason behind it is sleeping deprivation causes low energy during day and imbalance in hormones relating to hunger. In order to work effectively during the day, we consume a lot of energy drinks, caffeine, etc. which further increases your weight. Sleep deprivation also causes lack of exercise due to low energy levels. If you aren't giving your body some good sleep, you are just delaying the weight loss process.

2.Find Healthier Ways to Satisfy Food Cravings
Most people have some sort of craving for food. It's not uncommon. However, people who are obese or overweight need to be very careful in dealing with food cravings. Switch to a low calorie and healthy snacks when you feel like eating. A salad will help satisfy your cravings. You can also eat a healthy veggie pizza if you want.

3.Take Your Boredom For A Walk
You tend to sit idle when you are bored. A bored mind always seeks food. Keep yourself engaged and busy in some kind of activity. Hang out with friends, work on DIY projects, learn something new... do anything you want but don't let boredom take over your life.

4.Prepare Your Own Meals
Ditch instant food. Stop eating at fast food restaurants. Stop ordering food online. Prepare food at home on your own. This way you keep yourself busy and interested and also eat healthy food. Cooking can be an addictive hobby!

5.Take the Stairs
Skip using elevators and escalators completely. Try to climb the stairs. Walking up stairs helps you burn more calories, and keeps your calf and leg muscles firm. You may find it difficult for the first couple of days, but you will get used to it eventually.

6.Replace Gym Time with Some Other Interesting Thing
Going to a gym is not the only way to lose weight. If you find gym boring, try some other activity like hiking, biking, yoga, swimming, kayaking etc. Your only motive should be staying active and burning calories. There are a ton of exciting ways to lose weight instead of going to gym.

7.Drink More Water
Drinking more water helps your body to speed up the fat burning process. A glass full of water makes your stomach feel full, and helps suppress appetite. Drinking water before a meal stops you from overeating.

8.Give up Sodas and Alcohol
A sugary soda is bad for your health in many ways. A single can of soda contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar. Sodas increase the risk of diabetes. To lose weight, you have to give up soda completely and switch to fresh fruit juices. Give up or significantly reduce alcohol intake.

9.Try to Wear Casual Dresses
According to a study conducted by American Council of Exercise, people who wear casual dresses tend to be more active than those who wear formals. If it is okay to wear casual clothes at your office, ditch the business attire!

10.Eat Only When You Feel Hungry
You only feel hungry when your body needs food. Wait for the signal. Eat only when you feel hungry. Eat to live. Don't live to eat!

11.Prefer Fruits over Fruit Juice
Fruit juices are good, but fruits are the best. When you eat a whole fruit, you consume the pulp which is very high in fiber, vitamins and essential nutrients. You are going to miss most of the good qualities of a fruit in a juice.

12.Get a Bike
Stop using car for the shorter distances. Reach nearest places like a grocery store on bike. If you want, you can ride bike to work. Biking is an amazing and fun way to lose weight.

13.Eat Slowly and Use Smaller Plates
The weight loss experts suggest people who are on a diet should use smaller plates. Your food looks full on a smaller plate although it is 20% to 30% smaller than your regular intake. To make this work, you need to eat your food slowly.

14.Use a Broom to Clean Your House
Vacuum cleaners are efficient, but traditional brooms give you lot of exercise. Similarly, consider raking leaves instead of using a leaf blower.

15.Give Yourself an Opportunity to Walk More
If you go to work on public transport, get off the train or bus one stop early, and walk the remaining distance. If you go to your work in a car, park it as far as you can from the office.
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