15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:14 pm
By:James Fraser
Would it not be shocking to you if we were to say that there are many things in your home that have more germs than a toilet seat? Yes! Toilet seats sure are dirty, but let us quickly show you 15 unexpected things that are more or equally filthy.
7.Pillows are a Little Different
Not just invisible microbes, pillows actually let dust mites, hair nits and other small insects crawl in them. In addition, pillows contain dead skin cells, and germs from body secretions like sweat and saliva. Pillows are one of those few things that are worse than a toilet, and the worrying part is they get close to your face daily.


8.Door Knobs
Door knobs are surprisingly dirty. Door knobs are the first things we touch coming home after a long time out. As hands are the dirtiest parts of the body, door knobs get easily ‘germified’ by a mere touch.


9.Light Switches
Do we clean our hands every time we switch on a light or a fan? No! And that is how we pass microbes on hands to the switches. We frequently clean our hands, but not the switches. So the light switches are as bad as anything when comes to being dirty.


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