15 Unspoken Rules Of Sex You Must Know
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:09 pm
By:James Fraser
Isn't sex the world's most talked-about open secret? People know about sex automatically after reaching a certain age. While you are reading this topic, millions around the world are busy having sex! Everyone loves sex. But, how many people know how to have sex the right way? How many people can satisfy their partners while not compromising on their personal satisfaction? Let's tell you fifteen unspoken rules about sex every adult human being must know.
10.Don't Get Inspired by Porn
You can learn a thing or two about sex seeing porn, but don't try to do like how they do it. Porn stars just act. Real life sex is a lot different from porn. Porn only increases your expectations.

11.Don't Pay Attention to Queefs, Farts or Other Little Things
Vaginas make sounds. Farts happen. Sometimes, penis sliding in the vagina can make weird noises. If you pay attention to those silly little things, you are only going to spoil the sexy times and come out of the mood completely.

12.Keep Communicating with Your Partner
Inquire if something's hurting her. Ask if she's okay with particular sex position. Take permission from her before doing kinky things like sticking finger up the butt. Warn her to slow down while getting head, if you are about to ejaculate. Ladies, don't squeeze the balls. Keep communicating in a real slow and sexy tone.

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