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15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 1:00 pm

As the title suggests, mostly women will understand these confessions. This doesn't mean the article is only for them! If you are a man, these revelations will help you understand the pain women go through once every month. Some of these confessions are painfully funny! Read fifteen interesting, painful and funny period confessions. If you are a girl, you can relate. If you are a guy, you can learn a thing or two about periods!
1.Period Problems!

Hey, not all women go into extreme rage though. 'Period rage' is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It's a problem and requires medical attention. If left untreated, it can mess with your personal and professional life.

Period Problems!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

2.A Male Tampon?

If... If... men had periods... they would definitely brag about the size of the tampon they used. Most men are obsessed with the size of their manhood! The whole 'male period' concept is bad, even in the imagination, because... one single erection, and he's going to shoot a bloody tampon out from their d*ck like a bullet!

A Male Tampon?-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

3.Satan Has Been Fed!

This dad's too funny! If you ever live with a woman who goes through considerably painful periods, you will totally understand the situation. 

Satan Has Been Fed!-15 Confessions About Periods Only Women Will Understand

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