15 Comics That Show How Smartphones Have Ruined Our Lives
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 5:27 pm
By:James Fraser
Smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate with the rest of the world. In the beginning, we only used them to talk to other people. Soon after, we started texting. Cameras were making their way onto phones. Today, smartphones can do everything. They are no less than desktops when comes to computing. The picture quality of smartphone cameras is increasing day by day. Thanks to the smartphones, the world is now in our hands. However, in many ways, smartphones have ruined our lives. You already know how and why! Check these fifteen comics that show the downsides of the smartphone revolution.
1.When You Can't Find Your Phone
Use it or not, it got to be there with us 24/7. Isn't that true? A smartphone isn't just an electronic gadget. There is something more special about the tiny piece of communication.

2.We Just Can't Stop Ourselves from Looking Into it
How frequently would you press the home button on your phone just to check those notifications? Apparently phones can actually talk back now with virtual assistant apps like Siri and people enjoy having weird conversations with Siri.

3.True That!
There is a little change, though. In 2015, people would take a selfie - not a regular photo. Is someone drowning? Okay, let me take a selfie first and share it on Facebook!

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