15 Signs You Might Be An Ambivert
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 9:32 pm
By:James Fraser
Most people don't fit into the single category of introversion or extroversion. They possess and display the traits of an introvert as well as an extrovert. Such people are called ambiverts. When someone asks you if you are an introvert or extrovert, and if you can't decide between the two, don't simply say you are both! Tell them you are an ambivert! Let's see how many of us are ambiverts. Read fifteen signs that prove if you maybe an ambivert.
1.Your Idea of Meeting New People
You don't like to start a conversation with complete strangers. However, you would like to talk to them and make friends when you meet them along with your friends.

2.You only Talk on the Subject You're Good at
Introverts hate talking. Extroverts can't stop talking. Ambiverts love to talk only on the things that they are good at. As soon as a discussion is over, ambiverts go back to their silent mode.

3.You Hate Spending too Much Time with People
You find spending too much time with people exhausting, even if they are your friends or family members. You have 'socializing neurons' in your brain, but they expire after some time.

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