15 Struggles That Will Give You Nostalgia If You Are A 90's Kid
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 11:16 pm
By:James Fraser
Living in the 90s as a kid gave you a special feeling. It was the starting point of all the great technology we are now enjoying. 90s kids were more like beta testers, who were thrilled by almost every new thing in the market. There was happiness, and there was pain too. Please find following 15 struggles to which every 90s kid can relate.
1.Unofficial ‘No Internet’ Sign
If you are a 90s kid, you will remember this game as well as the pain associated with it. People will only understand how cool this game is only when the internet is disconnected. There are people who played this game continuously for hours a days together when there was no internet. It was a really nice game.

2.When People Spread IE Problems on Screen like Butter on Bread
This is a very familiar sight if you are a 90s kid. Nobody knew what problems Internet Explorer encountered. The only thing people knew about was a scrolling error widow everywhere on the screen which was a ‘design of frustration’. To all those younger folks out there, yes, Internet Explorer used to suck back in those days as well.


3.Making Ringtones Was a Pain
We now live in a world where we can easily attain HD ringtones in a hundred easy ways. Making ringtones was never easy for 90s kids. You either needed to buy them from network carriers at amazingly high costs, or had to record one with your phone’s inbuilt audio recorder. Guess what the quality of the recorded ringtone used to be like? Very bad!


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