15 Things That Will Make You Cringe If You're A Girl
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 9:26 pm
By:James Fraser
The life of a woman is never easy. From waking up in the morning to going to bed in the night, she has to deal with many responsibilities including dressing up well and preparing herself to look attractive. Most men hardly care how they look. Women? It's one of their top priorities! To get that one compliment from their friends and loved ones, they need to spend so much time to get all the makeup and hairstyling things right. It's never easy! It's not just about beauty or fashion, a woman's life is far more different than a man's. To understand it better, check these fifteen struggles women have to go through their daily lives.
1.When Hair Gets Stuck in a Seatbelt
Hair getting trapped in the seatbelt or other things is never a good sight. You got to be a girl to understand how bad it actually feels.

2.Broken Nail
This picture definitely makes you cringe if you have long nails. Having to lose a nail you nurtured for months is a painful sight.

3.When Bra's Underwire Breaks through the Cloth
Sadly, it means it's time to say goodbye to your favorite bra that served you for a very long time! It just doesn't feel right when a bra's underwire starts poking the boob!

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