15 Tweets Only Catholics Will Understand
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 6:04 pm
By:James Fraser
All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholic. Catholicism is a branch of Christianity. It is also the biggest branch of the religion with more than 60% Christians following it. Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. Most Catholics can't see God, religion and life separately. As a Christian, you may go to the Church once in a week. A Catholic prays all days of a week. Here are fifteen funny tweets about Catholics, only Catholics will understand!
4.This Chart that Makes Only Catholics Laugh
If you are a Catholic, you had one on your forehead very recently. No one's likely to get a perfect cross on their forehead. Decode the shapes!

When you missed going to the church on Ash Wednesday, but you have a responsibility on your shoulders to make your Catholic family happy!

6.When You are the Only Catholic Person in Your Group
The struggle is real when you have to explain people about Catholic things like confirmation and confirmation names.

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