15 Comics That Perfectly Illustrate Everyday Struggles Of A Woman
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 12:04 pm
By:James Fraser
Being a woman is lot different than what most men may think. There is pain. There is happiness and There are struggles. If you are a woman, everything is a big battle from picking the right dress to getting the makeup correct - from selecting a proper boyfriend to making that relationship work. A 21-year-old Romanian Canadian, Cassandra Calin, drew some pretty interesting illustrations that show everyday struggles of a woman.
1.Applying Eye Shadow is a Struggle
The world sees women as masters of makeup. However, only they know how difficult it is to get all the makeup right at one time.

2.Asking Friends to Take a Photograph
Not everyone good at taking pictures. If you are a woman, you will miss that one photographer friend particularly on a day you think you look fabulous.

3.Putting on Nail Polish
Oh yes, those few minutes that last for hours and you have to go through a lot of struggle to make sure your nails don't kiss anything that's around them!

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