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15 Google Hacks That Make Your Life Simpler

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:56 pm

Google is undoubtedly the best thing ever happened to internet. Internet does bring information to our home, but Google brings it on to our coffee tables. Google opened doors for an ocean of information, without which it would have been difficult for common people to explore world beyond their knowledge. 
Every day we search Google for various purposes. Here are fifteen Google hacks that help make your everyday 'Googling' better!
13.Find Distance Between Cities

It takes some time to find distance between two places using maps application. You can actually check distance between two cities or towns in a flash using Simply enter 'Distance between *city 1* and *city 2*' in Google, and you will be shown the distance in 0.1 second. You can also find distance between earth and moon this way!
Example: Distance between Buffalo and Boston, Distance Between Foster City and San Francisco etc.

Find Distance Between Cities-15 Google Hacks That Make Your Life Simpler

14.Use as Converter

This is yet another hack that comes in handy for many people. Google lets you effortlessly convert different values between various conversion systems. If you have to convert miles to kilometers, you just need to type '1 kilometer to miles' (1km or whatever value you want) in Google's search bar. You can make a ton of conversions between different measurement systems like metric and imperial.
Example: 1 KG to oz, 10 liters to grams, 1 gallon to liter etc.

Use as Converter-15 Google Hacks That Make Your Life Simpler takes you to Google

Next time when you are on your numeric keypad, don't waste time typing entire Google also owns, which is equivalent to Google on a phone's numeric keypad. This little hack shall help you access Google better if you use a feature phone. Now you are one of very few people who are aware of this hack! takes you to Google-15 Google Hacks That Make Your Life Simpler

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