15 Pro Tips That Used To Work In 90s But Are Now Useless
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 3:45 pm
By:James Fraser
If you are a 90s kid, you may feel sad for missing out on this goldmine of tips and tricks! You badly needed these tips back then. Anyways, we hope you had your share of fun. The 90s was the beginning of a real technological revolution. More and more people started to use technology, which until then was limited to nerdy or affluent groups. Let's check some cool and useful 90s tips that no longer work! Relive your 90s memories with this interesting time-travel article.
10.This Life-saver Tip!
Waiting for a phone call and don't want your parents to hear it ring? Call the movie theater and listen to today's listings until you get a call waiting beep.

11.This TV Tip
When you're watching scrambled porn around midnight on the Playboy or Spice channels, make sure you have Cartoon Network or ESPN on your "Last channel" button just in case mom or dad check on you.

12.This Handy Tip
If your parents try to punish you and take away your TV antenna. Just grab a pair of scissors or anything metal and jam it in the antenna socket and you will have signal again. Keep the volume low to avoid a wooden spoon ass beating.

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