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Best Gaming Laptops 2013

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 6:07 pm

#1 Origin EON17-SLX

This high-end gaming laptop has everything an avid game player could ask for. It is the best gaming laptop of 2013. It has the Intel Core i7 processor and the fastest notebook GPU in the industry with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M. You'll never have to squint to see characters on the screen, as this laptop has a 17.3" display with full 1080p High-Definition, Quad SODIMM memory slots and lightning-fast USB 3.0 ports. On top of all that, this computer has the EON17-S, which gives off stunning 1080p visuals for movies, and games. This laptop is available at for $1,784.

Origin EON17-SLX-Best Gaming Laptops 2013


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