15 Images That Show The Bitter Reality Of Modern World
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 1:07 pm
By:James Fraser
How old is our modern world? Hardly, 150 to 200 years. How much damage have we done to the planet? Well, so much!!! Human beings have been living on this planet for the past 200,000 years. We discovered electricity. We invented automobiles and revolutionized the way we travel. We made computers. We built skyscrapers. It is unbelievable how we managed to do all these in just a couple of centuries, keeping the fact in mind that humans survived 200,000 years with no modern-day comforts. Be it ozone layer depletion or global warming, we messed up our planet the most in just about 200 years. Check these illustrations drawn by professional illustrators Steve Cutts and Luis Quiles that show the actual and bitter reality of the modern world.
1.People These Days Do Anything for Likes and Shares
All some people need is attention. Unfortunately, they don't even need to step into the real world to grab public attention. They prefer to post inappropriate or absurd pictures or shitty status messages just for those likes and shares to gain the fake popularity.

2.Two Sides of the World in One Picture
A deer can never run out of food in a forest. A tiger too never runs out of its prey. That's how nature works. Unfortunately, humans, the most intelligent species of all living beings on the planet, die from hunger. Commercialization of food is one of the terrible things modern day human has done.

3.All We Want is Money
Pollution? Global warming? Running out of natural resources? - Well, who on earth really cares about them anyway? All we need is just money, and we will not stop ruining our planet to make big bucks.

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