10 Changes To Children Books That Depict Changes In Our Society
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 9:26 am
By:James Fraser
Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever is one of the most popular and best-selling children books in the world. The book was first published in 1963. The revised edition of this book, which was released in 1980, had some significant changes over the original version. Many of the stereotypes featured in the original version were either removed or updated. These updates clearly show how our society has changed and progressed over the past few decades.
10.Cover Page Changes
Can you spot the difference? Let's make this last picture a kind of 'spot the difference' game! Let's see how many differences you can find between the two cover pages.
The author, illustrator or other people who worked for this book are not sexist. Things were really like that, back in those days. The good thing is that makers of this book managed to do all these modifications even before someone complained about them. Best Word Book Ever is one of the most popular children books even to this date.

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