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15 Things Only Big Boob Girls Will Understand

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 4:25 pm

Women with bigger breasts look attractive. Men have this particular love towards big boobs. If you have a larger cup, even women in your friends' circle can't ignore you. However, from a busty girl's perspective, big boobs are more of a problem than an advantage. Yes, there are advantages, but the problems simply outnumber them. Read fifteen things only big boob girls can relate strongly. 
10. Seat belt Never Sits Comfortably on Chest

It just doesn't feel right, no matter how hard you try to make it sit comfortably and perfectly on the chest. 

 Seat belt Never Sits Comfortably on Chest -15 Things Only Big Boob Girls Will Understand

11.You Can't Stop the Big Cleavage from Showing up

If you particularly wear tank-tops during the night, the chances are high one of your breast escapes from it and hang outside by the time you wake up in the morning.

You Can't Stop the Big Cleavage from Showing up-15 Things Only Big Boob Girls Will Understand

12.People Keep Elbowing Your Boobs Accidentally

In most cases, it is not people's fault. You can't stop them from happening unless you stand far away from people!

People Keep Elbowing Your Boobs Accidentally -15 Things Only Big Boob Girls Will Understand

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