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15 People Reveal The Most Difficult Thing They Have Ever Said No To

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:22 pm

Saying no to things you really want is never an easy task. Sometimes, you find yourself in situations where you totally want something but have to say no to it for some reasons. Oh yes, it will be the hardest 'NO' of your life. In most cases, you may even regret those decisions later. Be it an offer, opportunity, or a request, sometimes it is very, very, difficult to say a small "no". BUT YOU HAVE TO! Read fifteen people who revealed the hardest thing they have ever said no to.
4.Yet Another Heartbreaking Situation

Wife left me and took my four year old daughter two years ago. Divorce was final a year ago.
The hardest "no" I have to do, sometimes daily, is when my daughter asks if I can stay when I leave her mom's house. Rips my heart out every time.

Yet Another Heartbreaking Situation-15 People Reveal The Most Difficult Thing They Have Ever Said No To

5.Saying No to the Sad Sales Person

A sales person who tried to sell Oxford Encyclopedia's in front of my house.
He was nearly on the verge of tears for some reason and he desperately tried to convince me to buy the set. I calmly told him that I have wikipedia and google for learning anything I wanted and I don't need them.

Saying No to the Sad Sales Person-15 People Reveal The Most Difficult Thing They Have Ever Said No To

6.Turning Down a Sex Opportunity as a Teenager is a Hard Thing too

An emotionally vulnerable young woman who was all over me, making a bad decision by doing so. Teenaged me was pretty much saturated in hormones, but I bit down, told her she was pretty-but-no... left the party and kicked myself all the way home.

Turning Down a Sex Opportunity as a Teenager is a Hard Thing too-15 People Reveal The Most Difficult Thing They Have Ever Said No To

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