15 Things You've Been Doing Wrong Your Entire Life
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
We have to accept that we have grown up and spent our lives doing many things wrong. The technology simplified our lives, but we have complicated simplest of things, thus wasting time and efforts. Here are 15 images that show us how we are doing simple things wrong. Are you ready?
7.Some Women Need to Save this Picture to Their Phone
Yes, especially those ladies who think their nails are walls, and put nail polish like wall paint! Jokes aside, this is the right way to put nail polish. This technique ensures good shine on nails, and prevent nail polish look blotchy.

8.Peeling a Potato in a Flash
Throw away all those peelers and dicers, and never waste a single minute again on potato skin peeling with this easy trick. Put the boiled potatoes in cool water and just scrape off potato skin with your bare hands in just a few seconds. We have been doing this one wrong from ages!

9.Eat Your Banana Like This
This is so far the easiest way to peel a banana. This looks crazy, but this is the right way to do it. It's easy to peel a banana's skin from the down. WE are not sure about that, so please try yourself to decide which way it is easy and comfortable to peel a banana's skin.

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