12 Best Father And Daughter Tattoos Ever
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:46 am
A father-daughter relationship is one of the most wonderful and beautiful human relationships in the world. Dads love their daughters! Don't they? Girls are generally closer to their daddy than their mom. Similarly, fathers have a special affection for their daughters more than their sons. Some girls love their dad so much that they get a tattoo to show the world how much they love their father! Dads do that too. Some girls get tattoos in remembrance of their deceased father. Here are twelve amazing father-daughter tattoos that are too beautiful.
1.Daddy-Daughter Time
This father is showing his love for his daughter through permanent ink. A parent's love is unconditional, forever and always. This little girl is the mirror image of her father and the tattoo artist did a superb job of showcasing that. One of the best aspects of this tattoo is the father's facial expression, as it's obvious that he's savoring the moment with his daughter.

2.Daddy's Little Angel
Danny Berrio from New York knows his little girl is an angel. The proud dad got his daughter Adriana's face tatted on his left shoulder. Berrio's tiny tot was just two-years old in the photo. He got the Angel wings placed around her portrait because in his eyes, she's his angel.
3.Father and Daughter Love
A tattoo is a good way to pay homage to a deceased parent. Life changes, memories fade, but a tattoo lasts forever. A tattoo keeps a person in our remembrance, reminds us those beautiful moments with them, and most importantly, it makes us feel like the person is there with us, even though they are not with us physically.
This father-daughter tattoo is one such beautiful body art, showing the tender moments of love between a father and his daughter. Such tattoos are wonderful, but remember, some people find it very difficult to get over the death of a parent, and tattoos like these make things more complicated.

4.Baby Foot/Hand Prints Tattoo
Some parents get their baby's footprints formed into a mold, or framed, but this proud dad took things a step further. Not only did he get his little girl's name and birthdate in roman numerals tatted on his arm, but he also got her hand and foot prints inked as well.

5.A Father's Kiss
This precious moment went from being captured in real-time to being inked on this man's shoulder for life. The image is an intricate and beautifully made portrait of a father kissing his newborn daughter. Both father and daughter have their eyes closed, which makes the photo even more treasurable and perfect.

6.I am My Father's Daughter
This tattoo is so large that it can probably be seen from a mile away. The phrase, "I am my father's daughter" always refers to women who have the same traits and characteristics as their dad. This tattoo is front and center on the woman's chest, so anyone who greets her, knows just how important her dad is to her.
This tattoo looks like a portrait. It was created using mere shades of black, with the person's skin tone peeking out to mimic light. This picture-perfect tattoo shows a father walking hand-in-hand with his daughter. Their faces can't be seen, but you can tell by the depiction how candid this moment truly is.

8.Daddy's Little Bundle
When a tattoo artist makes your child look like a Glowworm, it's time to get it lasered off. The concept of this tattoo is cute and sentimental, but its execution is amateurish. Every loving parent sees their child as a gift from God, so this meaning behind this tattoo is easily recognizable.

9.Father-Daughter Portrait
This father got a candid photo of him and his daughter etched on his back. This might be the only time where getting a tattoo of someone else's face is acceptable. The tattoo doesn't have any words scribbled on it, but the image speaks for itself. The tattoo artist responsible for this ink should win some sort of prize.
10.Like Father, Like Daughter
This father thinks his daughter is a chip off the old block. His "Like father, like daughter" tattoo has a lot of symbolism within it. The phrase is written over an anchor - an object people often associate with being a support system. In addition to that, the tattoo has the years that the father and daughter were born. It's a creative tattoo, with a lot of emotion attached to it.
11.Daddy's Baby Girl
This tattoo is less than five words, but it's still powerful. It doesn't matter how old a woman gets, she will always be Daddy's Baby Girl. This tattoo is inspired by that old adage. The tattoo doesn't have a bunch of colors or graphics, but the penmanship is gorgeous and elegant.
12.Playground Tattoo
A girl's quality time with her father is a precious moment. And this tattoo is a precious moment that will stay with this young lady. This adorable tattoo shows a father swinging his daughter around in the grass. Judging by the fireworks in the air, this moment is probably an event from Independence Day.

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