Fifteen Halloween Couple Costumes That Are Super Amazing
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 5:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Halloween is nearly here. Though Halloween is mostly associated with scary makeup and costumes, there are many people who prefer 'not so scary' costumes. As most of us have already started researching for Halloween costume ideas, this list may come in very handy. From birthday pinata to Lord of the rings, here are fifteen creative Halloween couple costumes that are super amazing.
13.Curious George Costume
Curious George is a popular children book series. A movie and a television series has been made based on this book series. Curious George is a story of brown monkey who was brought into a big town from an African jungle. In the picture, you can see the lady wearing Curious George costume. The man dressed himself as 'The Man with the Yellow Hat', the character which brought Curious George to town.

14.YouTube Costume
That pair has clearly stolen the show there. This is definitely one of the best creative Halloween costumes we have ever seen. It was not only creative, but also funny. That title 'Drunk Guy Makes out with Hottest Chick at Party' is totally hilarious. Like most other costumes we have seen so far, you don't need to spend big on this costume as well.

15.The Lord of the Rings Costume
This Frodo and Gollum costumes look amazing. As we said earlier, the trick is to choose a costume idea based on a popular thing or concept. As LOTR is one of the most popular movie ever, this costume was an instant hit. Many of us aren't comfortable seeing ourselves in Gollum costume. We must appreciate the guy for his effort!

While the Halloween costumes here look so creative and cool, There are some people who don't get the meaning of a good Halloween costume, Here are few people who made their Halloween terrible with these disgusting and stupid Halloween costumes.
Don't forget to check out these Hot Celebrity Halloween Costumes for more awesome costume ideas.
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