15 Guys Reveal Why They Turn Down Horny Girls
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:04 am
By:James Fraser
Yeah man, you read the title right! It's about guys who declined a sex offer from horny girls. That sounds very unrealistic, but some star-crossed chaps caught themselves in tricky situations that eventually forced them to turn down the V! Are you not excited to read about their stories? Here you have 15 Redditors who recalled and shared how girls offered them sex and why they had to reject the offer! Go ahead and read them. These stories are funny, but some of them make you feel bad for those poor men!
4.When Lady Bits Smelled Horrible
"She took off her underwear, and the smell filled the room. Like sewage and cat food with a bit of dead fish.... I was so bummed."

5.Exactly, That Is How One Gets STDs!
"I was at a club with a co-ed bathroom. I'm waiting in line to wash my hands when some random girl tries to jump on me. I didn't know what she was trying to do at first. A few seconds later I realized that she was trying to have me pick her up. I laugh it off and tell her to put one leg up. She does, and I grab from underneath both her legs and pick her up and carry her around for a few seconds. She then pushed open one of the bathroom stalls and tried to get me to go into it with her. At this point, I realize that I met this girl less than 5 minutes ago and I don't even know her name. She's probably an 8/10. I don't have a condom, and I'm not really the type to have sex with a girl 5 minutes after meeting her. I think, "this is how you get an STD, " and I get back in line to wash my hands."

6.This Guy Who Politely Declined A Sex Offer!
"I was a Lyft driver for a bit. I picked up a girl outside a bar and on the way to her place she's telling me about her last experience going to that bar which included her participating in a gang-bang after meeting two guys for the first time. It was a very graphic story. When we got to her destination, she asked me to go upstairs and fuck her till the sun comes up. I politely declined."

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