15 Interesting Facts About The World You Don't Know
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 12:45 pm
By:James Fraser
When you have finished reading these facts, you will, for sure, increase your understanding of the world a little more than what you already have! Let's read fifteen random facts and incidents that are too interesting to miss out. We bet most of you never heard of these before.
1.This Weird Breast Enhancement Procedure in Thailand
In Thailand, women pay 'body-slappers' to get their breasts and butt slapped. They believe this procedure helps them get bigger and firmer breasts and butts.

2.This Russian President
In 1995 during a White House visit, Russian President Boris Yeltsin Got drunk and was trying to hail a cab to go get pizza in his underwear on Pennsylvania Avenue.

3.This Unbelievably Shocking Online Cheating Scandal
A married couple in Bosnia had been cheating on each other in online chatrooms. One day, when the couple decided to meet their online chatting partner in person, they were shocked to find each other! The couple were cheating on each other - with each other!!!

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