15 Women Reveal Why They Avoid Sex With Their Partner
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 1:30 pm
By:James Fraser
Without sex, life is incomplete. Sex also keeps a relationship healthy and satisfying. If one of the partners is bad at sex, the other one loses interest in the relationship no matter how good and lovable the person is. For some reasons, people avoid those 'good times' in bed. Men do it. Women do it. Everyone does it. They have their reasons. Here, we have fifteen women who revealed why they avoid sex with their partner. These reasons are good enough to be 'hints' if you are willing to catch some!
1.Bisexual Or Lesbian?
Sex is something that should be enjoyed by the two individuals who are involved. If one of the partners is not passionate about it for reasons like the one you read now, the other one can't enjoy it as well. One doesn't need to force themselves into something they don't like. It only complicates things.

2.When Sex Becomes Boring
This is a major global problem, isn't it? At some point in life, sex becomes boring. This is unarguably one of the main reasons why cheating and breakups happen. There are many good ways to beat boredom in bed, particularly if people don't mind 'experimenting' things.

3.Every Girl's True Nightmare
Erectile dysfunction or ED is a common problem many men face, but don't talk about it. ED is usually caused by nervousness, stress, low levels of testosterone, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, physical weakness and lack of interest in sex. Men shouldn't ignore ED at all, as it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as a heart disease.

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